As a homeowner in San Diego, upgrading your home is likely an ongoing process. Even if you recently purchased a new build, there are always changes that can be made to make your home better suited to your lifestyle and personal taste. If you have an older home, however, upgrades often come in the form of replacing or fixing things that are old, broken, or inefficient.
A home improvement project that many owners of older homes in San Diego choose to take on at some point is replacing their windows and doors. New windows and doors have a surprising number of benefits—especially when you choose high-quality products and have them professionally installed by a dedicated replacement window company. Here are some of the benefits you can expect to experience when you install new windows and doors in your San Diego home:
A More Energy-Efficient Home
One of the main reasons San Diego homeowners choose to install new windows and patio doors is to improve their home’s energy-efficiency. Old windows—especially those with a single pane of glass and an aluminum frame—allow a lot of heat transfer to occur. That means that on hot days, your house will heat up more quickly, and on cold days it will stay chilly inside. You will have to use your air conditioner or heater more frequently just to keep your home at a comfortable temperature with old, inefficient windows and doors
With new, energy-efficient windows and doors, you will find that you have to use your air conditioner and heater far less—saving you money on your energy bills!
A Quieter Home
Another benefit of new windows and doors in San Diego is the sound suppression they provide. If you live on a busy street, near the airport or a military base, or in a neighborhood where barking dogs, lawnmowers, and leaf blowers interrupt your daily life, new windows and doors could be the solution you’re looking for!
Look for window products with upgraded sound suppression technology, such as Anlin windows with the Anlin Sound Package. These windows can reduce the amount of outside noise that enters your home by up to 50%, when compared to typical dual pane windows.
Better Ventilation
Do you struggle to open and close your old windows and/or sliding patio doors? Sometimes the tracks just need a good cleaning or the rollers need adjusting, but other times, mechanisms are simply worn out or broken, and the windows and doors need replacing. If you have windows and doors that are no longer easy to operate, you’ve probably gotten used to just leaving them closed all the time. It doesn’t have to be this way!
When you have new windows and doors installed in your San Diego home, everything will operate with ease. It won’t take a Herculean effort to operate your windows and doors, so you will likely choose to open them more often. And with the new screens that will come with your windows and doors, you don’t have to worry about letting in dirt and bugs! You can let the fresh air flow in whenever it’s nice out—and let’s be honest, it’s almost always nice out in San Diego! That’s why we live here!
Improved Curb Appeal
Finally, new windows and doors can improve the look of the exterior of your San Diego home. When you choose products with a frame style to complement the style of your home, it can really help it stand out in your neighborhood. You can also choose to upgrade your windows with options like colored frames, decorative window grids, or specialty glass, to add even more architectural interest.