Crestron is one of the leading companies for audio visual and communications solutions for businesses worldwide. They also offer solutions that allow homeowners to integrate many of their home’s systems, which can then be controlled from a single device.
So, when you want to have a Crestron system installed in your home or office, who do you call? Crestron doesn’t sell directly to the consumer, so in most cases, you will need to find a company that is authorized to sell Crestron products—a Crestron dealer. If your needs for your home or office are fairly standard, a good Crestron dealer should be able to handle everything.
For example, Crestron offers a product called Crestron Home OS. For most homeowners looking to turn their home into a smart home, this is a great solution. It allows a homeowner to control and automate their home’s lighting, shading, audio, temperature, and security systems. But for some homeowners, the functionality included in Crestron Home OS is not enough. They have very specific requirements that Crestron Home OS can’t handle. In those cases, they need to bring in a Crestron programmer. A Crestron programmer can provide customized functionality to give a homeowner a smart home that perfectly suits their needs and lifestyle.
The same can be true in corporate settings. If a company just needs a video conferencing set-up that is fairly standard, a Crestron dealer will be able to handle it, but when they need functionality beyond what is programmed into the Crestron products, a Crestron programmer will need to be brought in to provide the customization.
Some Crestron dealers have programmers in-house, but others will bring in outside Crestron programmers to handle the customization. Many Crestron dealers will have a preferred programmer or two on speed dial that they regularly use for projects that are outside of their scope of expertise.
However, if a client knows their project will need the services of a Crestron programmer, it may be wise to seek one out on their own. Working with an experienced and talented Crestron programmer can have a huge impact on the success of the project. So instead of calling a Crestron dealer initially, they might want to call a Crestron programmer first. Just like a dealer will have their preferred programmers, a programmer will have a preferred dealer that they can work with to purchase any needed hardware, software, and accessories for the project.
Another time a client would want to call a Crestron programmer first instead of a Crestron dealer is when they have an existing Crestron system that they want to update. An experienced Crestron programmer may be able to work with the existing hardware and not require the client to purchase a whole new system to get the functionality they want. The key here is to find a Crestron programmer who is willing to work with existing systems—someone who has worked with older generations of Crestron products.
Just like any project that requires specific expertise, it’s important to have the most competent professionals on your side. Do your research before hiring the first person you find in an online search!